Hi All, as we work with clients in our amamzing work we call QHHT, especially in the interview part, often there will be crying and tears. This made me think about the “process of crying” and how liberating and healing this is. The body was created with this “coping mechanism” in order to balance or release a certain trauma. While thinking about this throughout the day yesterday, I got this picture in my imagination of a native man face, dare I say a little Aztec looking, with many marks and symbols on the face. I saw then.. tears coming out but there were more like rivers or strings of information and symbols being released instead of tears. This puzzled me and I thought I would meditate on it a little bit and see what I can come up with.
This understanding or perspective came to mind:
As we are chatting with a client, what we call the interview part, revisiting certain trauma is creating the same energy that was felt at the time of the Event. This emotion - energy is motion is then transferred to the tear glands for releasing out of the body. As we know tears are water and a bit of plasma too (?) have to do more searching here.. Water is and carries energy, information, therefore this process can help release what doesn’t serve. Did you ever feel your tears being heavier than usual sometimes? Like they carry weight? Did you feel lighter afterwards? This shows how the process works. When the heart is open and ready to let go, often tears will appear. Crying is a gift and it shouldn’t be stopped when it comes into play.
The clients are stepping in the energy of healing as we begin the process of QHHT. If - Tears are welcomed and allowed to unfold, this is a great sign of liberation. When enough trust is established between us and the client, then often this will happen.
The body is quite a magnificent design and we really have all our tools at hand. Just listening to it, we can make a difference in our lives.
Though I share this with you all :)